According to statistics many more overseas doctors face disciplinary action by their employers and the General Medical Council (GMC).
APPS UK is committed to help any Pakistani doctor or medical student who face disciplinary action.
We have sent our representatives to accompany the doctor on disciplinary hearings and provided support and guidance throughout the process. Many of these doctors were not even our members at the time.
Inappropriate referrals to GMC or unfair local investigations:
Statistics show that the BME doctors are more likely to be referred to GMC by their employers. It is also evident that there are some unfair referrals with significant consequences to the doctors referred.
APPS UK has become aware of these practices in the last few years and has noted some referrals which seemed inappropriate and probably were intended to target some clinicians with excellent track records. This is important to mention here that General Medical Council maintains very high standards and after careful consideration cleared these clinicians of any wrong doing.
Though the procedure of referring a clinician to GMC is straight forward, however there is a perception that the individuals or organisations making unfair referrals are not reprimanded and held responsible for their irresponsible behavior in making vexatious referrals.
APPS UK believes that the overall assessment of the whole process, its cost implications and the suffering of the individuals does need to be appropriately monitored and recorded.
This is well known that the clinicians keen on service improvements and patient safety are likely to raise concerns about poor practices and standards. These whistle blowers if from BME background are more likely to suffer and entangled in some investigation in their work place and get referred to GMC.
This is important for the BME doctors to join relevant associations and organisations and get information and advice from appropriate sources.
We are encouraged by positive response and acknowledgement from all involved in BME forum in GMC.
We would also like to ask the individuals who might have been victims of inappropriate treatment at their work place or unfair referral to GMC, to get in touch with APPS UK for advice and support via: info@appsuk.org